
Our training has been successfully delivered online since March 2020

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Online Discovery Event:

To be confirmed.

"I found the classroom demonstrations with actual clients particularly beneficial..."

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Practice Ready Therapy Training

Therapy Business Success

Our courses are designed to equip you with everything you need to set up in practice as soon as you complete your training and receive your diploma.

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Continual Professional Development (CPD)

Undertaking Continual Professional Development is a commitment that professional therapists are expected to make in the years following their graduation. Many attend classroom training in order maintain and update their skills and knowledge. This helps them to continue to deliver effective and professional therapy to clients.

"The small class sizes allow for really good interaction with both the tutor and other students which makes for a feeling of inclusion and positive participation..."

Certified Supervisor for the NCH

Lorraine is a certified supervisor for the NCH. She offers both group and individual supervision.

NCH Supervisors Logo


"I really can't recommend this course highly enough. I had been toying with the idea of signing up for two years and my only regret is that I took so long to decide..."

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