What we're about...
Our strap-line is 'practice-ready therapy training' and that's what we're about. We want you to graduate from our training, well-prepared, confident and excited about starting your therapy business. Having been a full-time self-employed therapist since 1995, I've been saddened by the number of competent therapists I've met over the years, who've been unable to make a living from their passion - their therapy.
Therapy attracts people who want to help others. You may have chosen to train as a hypnotherapist for that very reason. It can be scary after training for a whole new career to have to become an entrepreneur overnight and to set up a business. That's why practice building is a regular topic throughout all the modules.
Our classes are small, practical and interactive which means that you will get plenty of opportunities to practise and contribute. We want your experience to be as real as possible, so we invite volunteer clients to visit our training sessions so you'll get the unique opportunity to watch a full client consultation and hypnotherapy session and then have the chance to answer questions. Students tell me they find this a very valuable learning experience.
Feedback has shown that academic results alone do not lead to confidence to practise, so we work hard to ensure that you have a good balance of theory and practise. Our courses are designed to equip you with everything you need, and we believe that our training offers a well-rounded approach to therapy study.